Welcome to our home page | ||
Hi and welcome. I would like to introduce my wife and I and then share our testimony. If you came here looking for help then please read on and feel free to explore the links that I have provided. You will not be disappointed. All I ask is that if you decide to proceed further you allow us the privilege of helping you. | ||
Cheryl & Tony. | ||
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Cheryl and I are a typical couple with 3 children, all in their late teens, as well as 2 dogs and a cat. We were both working in the computer industry but for health reasons my wife quit work. That was 2 years ago and financially it was a struggle. She now works out of our house with 2 home-based businesses. The first is based on a hobby that she has had for a while. She makes floral items (wreaths, swags, table center-pieces etc.) both to order and also for her booth in a local craft center. Her passion though is her other business which involves helping people get their health and thus their lives, back. We enjoy going camping, fishing, site-seeing and spend most of our weekends in the Colorado Rockies. While she was really sick we were unable to do this as much and we are glad that those days are behind us for good. We both enjoy the benefits of her recovery in many ways and look forward to many more enjoyable years together. | |
Sick & Tired of being sick and tired? | ||
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So was my wife. She had Fibromyalgia and used all 30 sick days allowed by her employer per year. Our neighbour was always trying to get her to try some stuff that she knew about and she was sure would help. Eventually, after my wife reached the stage where she was sick and tired of being sick and tired she decided that since she had nothing to lose she would try this stuff. Boy, am I glad that she did. I got my wife back and she got her life back. She no longer went to bed at 8:00pm and in fact she now stays up longer than I do some times. The stuff is a patented blend of glyconutrients with lots of related research. For more information on the company that provided them please feel free to visit their home page. If you want additional information about where or how to get the products or even have more specific questions please feel free to contact us rather than take the links provided from the company's home page. | |
Overburdened about being overweight? | ||
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So was I. Ten years ago I weighed less than 200lbs and felt good. Last summer I weighed 230 and knew it. My clothes were tight, I got out of breath easily and didn't particularly like myself. I had tried several diets with little success, in fact I gained more weight after stopping the diet than I lost. As mentioned above my wife was taking some stuff that helped her and she mentioned that the company had created a weight loss system. I decided that if the health stuff worked (which it obviously had) then I might as well try the weight stuff. Was I surprised. They suggest that you concentrate on inches lost rather than weight as fat is lighter than muscle and the system was designed to target fat loss. When I started my chest was 46"+, waist was 38"+, thighs were 25"+, neck was almost 17". By the end of February (4 1/2 months) my weight was down to 185lbs, my chest was 40", waist was 33", thighs were 22" neck was 15", my clothes were loose, I felt good, had more energy and no longer got out of breath as quickly. All this while still eating badly (burgers, pizza etc.) and not exercising. The system is patent pending due to the inovative approach as well as the products. My wife's aunt has MS and due to her meds was unable to lose even 1lb, yes that's right just 1 lb was unachievable, regardless of what diet she tried. She has now lost between 15 and 20 lbs and says that if it worked for her it'll work for anyone. If you want any information about where or how to get the products or even have more specific questions please feel free to contact us. |
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